
The Sugar grid is composed of one class defining a grid and several custom properties.



Defines a grid container and a media query container. Unfortunately, due to a bug in Safari, an additional div inside .s-grid is necessary. This class currently defines only a container query, while the nested div defines a grid container with: grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(var(--column-width), 1fr));

Once the Safari bug is resolved, a new version of sugar.css will be introduced, and the nested div will be removed.


Can be used together with .s-grid. When used, grid columns do not consume remaining space if there are fewer columns than possible. Useful for wide grids with a small number of columns.

Custom properties

All custom properties (except --gap) can be used on both the .s-grid and its cells. When applied to the grid element, they are applied to all cells globally. If applied to a child, they are specific to that element.

Defies how many columns are used by a cell. Default: 1

N is a number between 2 and 12.

Defines how many columns are used by a cell when n columns exist in the grid. For example, when --span-3: 2 is used, the cell spans across 2 columns only when at least 3 columns fit the grid.

Defines how many columns are left empty before a cell. Default: 0

N is number between 2 and 12 eg. --offset-3

Defines how many columns are left empty before a cell when n columns exist in the grid.

Defines padding on a cell. Handy when used on the whole grid. Default: 0
Defines the gap between cells.

Modal title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum harum laborum quo vero veritatis eaque similique fuga quae, repudiandae, necessitatibus dolorem facere obcaecati beatae architecto expedita laboriosam cumque numquam inventore. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum harum laborum quo vero veritatis eaque similique fuga quae, repudiandae, necessitatibus dolorem facere obcaecati beatae architecto expedita laboriosam cumque numquam inventore.

Dialog title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores vitae officia, voluptatem modi quos quisquam similique tenetur voluptatum, ratione suscipit numquam dolore aperiam molestiae impedit. Ut, maiores? Alias, quos facilis.