Sizes & Margins

In addition to conventional CSS reset practices — such as eliminating the 8px margin from the body and setting box-sizing to border-box — Sugar.css introduces two distinctive opinionated rules:
  1. Poly Fluid Font Sizing: Sugar.css adopts a poly fluid font sizing approach, offering a more dynamic and adaptable typography experience.
  2. Redefined Default Margins: The default margins are redefined to align with Sugar.css's opinionated design principles, ensuring consistency and improved layout control.

Poly fluid font sizing

Sugar.css employs a poly fluid font sizing technique, dynamically scaling font size in tandem with screen dimensions. The code snippet below illustrates using the default browser font size 16px (100%), progressively increasing it to 18px as the screen width ranges from 320px to 1280px. Beyond 1280px, the font growth accelerates even further.

@media screen and (min-width: 320px) {
	:where(html) {
		font-size: calc(100% + (2 * ((100vw - 320px) / 960)));

@media screen and (min-width: 1280px) {
	:where(html) {
		font-size: calc(100% + 2px + (54 * ((100vw - 1280px) / 10000)));

Setting the font size on the HTML element influences all elements sized in rem units throughout the document. Given that Sugar.css predominantly uses rem for sizing, all spacings gradually adjust with the font size. Once the 1280px threshold is surpassed, everything—including the grid system—scales proportionally to the screen size. This ensures that if your web content looks appealing on a 1280px wide monitor, it will maintain its visual integrity on larger screens, including 16K monitors.

If this technique doesn't fit your needs, removing it from Sugar.css does not break anything, you just lose the built-in auto-adjustment for bigger screens.


TLTR - Sugar's margins

Direction of Margins: Sugar.css mainly applies margins to the bottom of elements rather than the top. The last element within its parent, which would typically have a margin bottom, is intentionally devoid of such a margin.

Browser Defaults and Drawbacks:

Originating in the early '90s, default HTML margins were introduced to enhance readability in the absence of CSS. Initially, both top and bottom margins were applied to establish consistent spacing, ensuring a margin from both the top and bottom of a page. However, to prevent excessive spacing, margin collapsing was introduced. This occurred when two consecutive elements had margins, providing a neat and simple solution. Unfortunately, this came at the cost of developers relinquishing full control over the spacing.

As layouts became more sophisticated, the ability to implement paddings on content wrappers, such as cards and menus, became increasingly advantageous. Simultaneously, a new consideration emerged: envision a card endowed with its own padding. This card, when filled solely with text, contrasts with another instance containing a p element and yet another with a h1. Upon observation, it becomes evident that the space between the bottom edge of the card and its content varies across the three scenarios. However, this discrepancy may not align with one's expectations. It would be more desirable for the spacing to remain consistent in all three instances.

Solution: no margin top

A straightforward solution involves refraining from using the default margin bottom on the last element within its wrapper and abstaining from applying margin top to any element altogether.

/* Sugar Doesn't apply margin top to following */

:where(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hgroup, dl, article, section, table, p) {
	margin-block-start: 0;

/* Sugar Doesn't apply margin bottom to following :last-child */

:where(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hgroup, dl, article, section, table, p, [role='tabpanel']):last-child {
	margin-block-end: 0;

Sugar's margin defaults

There are two main groups of spacing sizes.

Elements like p, ul, ol, dl, menu, details have spacing 1rem/1em.
More visually separated elements like table, article, hr, section, hgroup use even bigger default spacing: --sugar-spacing-block: 2.5rem

Modal title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum harum laborum quo vero veritatis eaque similique fuga quae, repudiandae, necessitatibus dolorem facere obcaecati beatae architecto expedita laboriosam cumque numquam inventore. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum harum laborum quo vero veritatis eaque similique fuga quae, repudiandae, necessitatibus dolorem facere obcaecati beatae architecto expedita laboriosam cumque numquam inventore.

Dialog title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores vitae officia, voluptatem modi quos quisquam similique tenetur voluptatum, ratione suscipit numquam dolore aperiam molestiae impedit. Ut, maiores? Alias, quos facilis.