
Definition list

Represents a description list. The element encloses a list of groups of terms (specified using the dt element) and descriptions (provided by dd elements). Common uses for this element are to implement a glossary or to display metadata (a list of key-value pairs).
		a reference book on a particular subject, 
		the items of which are typically arranged 
		in alphabetical order.
a reference book on a particular subject, the items of which are typically arranged in alphabetical order.
Definition list is responsive by default. dl comes with two css variables and their default values:
  • --dl-width: 9rem;
  • --dd-min-width: 70%

As long as --dl-width is smaller that 100% minus --dd-min-width, both dt and dl stay in one line.. Otherwise they are positioned one below the other.

Ordered list

Represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list.
	<li>Introduction to HTML</li>
	<li>Understanding CSS Styling
			<li>JavaScript Fundamentals</li>
  1. Introduction to HTML
  2. Understanding CSS Styling
    1. JavaScript Fundamentals

Unordered list

Represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.
	<li>Responsive Web Design Techniques</li>
	<li>Building Web Applications with Node.js</li>
	<li>Database Management with SQL</li>
  • Responsive Web Design Techniques
  • Building Web Applications with Node.js
  • Database Management with SQL

Menu list

Is described in the HTML specification as a semantic alternative to ul, but treated by browsers (and exposed through the accessibility tree) as no different than ul
	<li>Deploying Websites to Hosting Platforms</li>
	<li>Web Security Best Practices</li>
	<li>Introduction to Serverless Architecture</li>
  • Deploying Websites to Hosting Platforms
  • Web Security Best Practices
  • Introduction to Serverless Architecture
  • list-style-type for menu element is set to none as you can see.

    Modal title

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum harum laborum quo vero veritatis eaque similique fuga quae, repudiandae, necessitatibus dolorem facere obcaecati beatae architecto expedita laboriosam cumque numquam inventore. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum harum laborum quo vero veritatis eaque similique fuga quae, repudiandae, necessitatibus dolorem facere obcaecati beatae architecto expedita laboriosam cumque numquam inventore.

    Dialog title

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores vitae officia, voluptatem modi quos quisquam similique tenetur voluptatum, ratione suscipit numquam dolore aperiam molestiae impedit. Ut, maiores? Alias, quos facilis.