Browser Support
Sugar.css is optimized for use with modern browsers. The features employed by Sugar CSS enjoy
widespread support, exceeding 90% in the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and
numerous Chromium-based browsers. Verify the current browser support for specific CSS features
such as :has()
, :with()
, aspect-ratio
, @container queries
, and CSS grid
With the exception of classes like .s-dark
, .s-light
, .s-secondary
, .s-fixed
, and .s-container
, Sugar.css can be
viewed as a CSS reset. All styles applied by Sugar.css utilize the :where() pseudo-selector,
avoiding specificity issues. There's no need to move Sugar.css into a separate layer; you can
seamlessly overwrite styles without additional complexity. The emphasis is on simplicity,
keeping the size compact at 7.5 kB when minified.
Sugar.css tries to be as simple as possible and keep its size down (7.5 kB minified).
Use cases
Sugar.css is well-suited for projects where::
- Design adheres to defined rules rather than subjective aesthetics.
- Readability and accessibility take precedence over intricate design elements.
- Consistent rules are favored over numerous exceptions.
It's not limited to small projects; Sugar.css can serve as a foundational layer even for
substantial endeavors. For extensive projects, consider modifying not only the provided custom
properties but also the source code of Sugar.css.